Professor Anand Marya is currently working as the Vice-Dean of Dentistry (Research) and the Program Director of Orthodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penh. Dr. Anand Marya He is also a post-graduate guide and Clinical Professor at International University, Phnom Penh. He graduated from Seema dental college and Hospital, India, and received his specialty orthodontic training in Manila, Philippines. He also took up his Ph.D. in Oral Biology at Thammasat University Thailand. He is a member of both the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFDS RCPSG) as well as the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh (MFDS RCS Ed) He was also awarded the Fellowship of the faculty of the Royal College of Surgeons, England (FDS RCS England). He has also been awarded multiple fellowships by the Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA), the International College of dentists (FICD), and the International College of Continuing dental education (FICCDE).
He holds many important positions, such as the Chair of the Pierre Fauchard Academy- Cambodia section and the deputy regent of the International College of Dentists, Cambodia section. He is also serving as an elected council member of the IADR-SEA division(2021-2025). In November 2022, he was elected as a council member of SEAADE (South-east Asia Association for Dental Education). In 2024 he was also elected as a council member and Treasure of ADEAP (Association for Dental Education, Asia Pacific) for a term of 3 years.
In May 2023 he was appointed as the International Dental Ambassador of the Royal College of Surgeons-Edinburgh for the South-east Asian region. In 2023 Professor Marya was also appointed as the Surgical Advisor of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
He has active research interests and has published more than 180 papers in high-impact, peer-reviewed journals. In recognition of his academic achievements, he was appointed as a distinguished adjunct faculty at Saveetha dental college, Chennai. In the year 2022 he was honored as an Adjunct Professor and Research Fellow by the University of Airlangga the top ranked dental institution in Indonesia. He has also been appointed as a visiting professor in universities in Thailand, Malaysia and Italy.
He is also on the Editorial Board of many well- known journals such as PLOS One, BMC Oral Health by Springer Nature and Clinical Case Reports by Wileys.
Dr Anand has also lectured at various national and international platforms on his topics of interest that include advances in orthodontics, adaptive biomechanics, modified tweed therapy, passive self-ligation and management of complex malocclusions.